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Diner en Blanc Zagreb Announcement

Dragi naši gosti,


iako je sve bilo spremno za održavanje premijernog izdanja Le Diner en Blanc, zbog najavljenih vremenskih neprilika ipak će se morati otkazati druženje koje smo svi s nestrpljenjem iščekivali. S odlukom smo čekali do posljednjeg trenutka, no najavljeni pljuskovi i grmljavinsko nevrijeme te niske temperature nisu prikladni za večeru na otvorenom i zasigurno bi pokvarili doživljaj.

Naša želja je da prva godina održavanja Le Diner en Blanc prođe u elegantnoj i ugodnoj atmosferi te da gosti s večere ponesu najljepše uspomene na druženje, uživanje u odličnoj hrani te na ples i zabavu.

O novom terminu održavanja obavijestit ćemo vas u narednim danima, a ukoliko nekome neće odgovarati i bit će spriječen sudjelovati može nam se javiti putem e-maila oko refundiranja ulaznica.

Diner en Blanc Zagreb

Dear Guests,

Although everything has been prepared to host the first edition of Le Diner en Blanc Zagreb, due to unforeseen weather conditions, we will have to postpone the gathering we were all looking forward to. The decision was made last minute due to the calling of heavy rain fall and thunderstorms as well as low temperatures, that are not suitable for outdoor dining and would certainly spoil the experience.

Our desire is that the first year of Le Diner en Blanc is done in an elegant and comfortable atmosphere and that our guests while dining experiences the most memorable moments to remember for a life time and enjoy great food, wine, champagne and dance the night away.

We will notify you in regards to the new date in the coming days, in the case that someone is not able to attend the new event date, you can contact us by e-mail about the refund of purchases.

Diner en Blanc Zagreb


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